
Caroline List

Education / Teaching /Specialist Technician / Curating

2010- 2011 PG cert in Teaching and Learning: Central Saint Martins School of Art & Design, University of The Arts

1987- 88   Chelsea School of Art and Design, M.A Painting 

1983- 86    Portsmouth Polytechnic BA Fine Art awarded (1st class)

1981- 83    West Nott’s college of Art /Foundation, Diploma in Art & Design,

Central Saint Martins School Of Art & Design. Specialist Painting Methods & Materials/ Surface  Technician.

2011- 2024 -Specialist Paint Surface Technician, teaching & learning/ facilitator in Paint Surface, Fine Art mixed media methods & materials, and spray finishes. Works  (Part Time) at Central Saint Martins School of Art & Design. Currently specialist in painting, methods & materials,  spray finishes and surface preparation, across all courses, at CSM, King Cross campus

2004 – 2010   Fine Art Painting Technician BA FINE ART

1995 – 2004   Course & Painting technician BA fine Art – part time / point 4 /  Charring Cross Road Campus/ Soho 

2004 – 2010   Fine Art Painting Technician BA FINE ART – Charring Cross Road Campus/ Soho 

Teaching Experience

1998- 2022 Central Saint Martins School of Art – Mixed Media Painting Course Tutor – Short course

2017 -2021 The Art Academy, ‘The Shape of Colour’ course (tutor)

2017    The Sunny Art Centre Mixed Media Painting (freelance tutor)

2016   Winsor & Newton Freelance paint/ colour test advisor & demos

2013-16   UAL Foreign Exchange Study Abroad.  Mixed Media Painting.  (course tutor )

Visiting Tutor

2004- 2011 –Kensington & Chelsea College HNC Fine Art – (visiting Tutor)

2007   Royal Academy of Art MA Painting (Visiting Tutor)

2005-6 Bath Spa University, Fine Art undergraduate (BA Lecturer) in painting  

Earlier Teaching Experience

1995- 1998    Central Saint Martins School of Art & design – Visiting Tutor ( Painting )PTBA

2002/-2008   Kensington & Chelsea College HNC Fine Art (visiting / tutor) Painting

1994 -2002   Chelsea School of Art & Design, Continuing Studies, New Art Practice

Theory BETEC (Course Tutor)

1990 -94     Westminster College – short course programme (freelance Tutor)

1988-9  Heatherly School of Art, Life Drawing   (tutor)

1986   Derby FE college Teaching colour theory to hair dressers and adults with special educational needs

Visiting Tutor

2004- 2011 –Kensington & Chelsea College HNC Fine Art – visiting Tutor.

My role on the HNC course at Kensington & Chelsea : course tutor giving one to one tutorials, assessing unit stage assessments, giving specialist talks on painting methods and materials , presenting slides / power point  lectures  exploring ideas and concepts within contemporary painting. Curating end of term exhibitions.

Visiting Tutor

2007   Visiting Tutor Royal Academy of Art MA Painting

2005-6  Bath Spa University, Fine Art  undergraduate BA Lecturer   

Role involves –  One to one tutorials, running a painting seminar/ Delivery talks on contemporary painting practice concepts & material approaches within Fine Art Painting  

‘Beneath The Surface ‘  involved  specialist talks on painting methods and materials,  presenting slides / power point lecture exploring ideas and concepts within contemporary painting.

Visiting Tutor

2007   Visiting Tutor Royal Academy of Art MA Painting

2005-6 Bath Spa University, Fine Art undergraduate BA Lecturer  painting 

Role involves –  Giving one to one tutorials, running a painting seminar

‘Beneath The Surface ‘involved specialist talks on painting methods and materials, presenting slides / power point lecture exploring ideas and concepts within contemporary painting.

Short Course Teaching

2000-2022 Central Saint Martins School of Art & Design –  Course Tutor – Mixed Media Painting. I am currently the course tutor for Mixed Media Painting (Arts Com short course programme). The mixed media course is a popular course with international and UK students.

The course covers a mixed media approach to painting, particularly within the contemporary field, a variety of technical approaches. are explored.  The course covers, mixing pigments, wax encaustic painting, photo transfer montage, masking techniques, acrylic paints and mediums, oil paints and mediums, impasto and resin mediums , preparation of  painting  supports such as MDF boards, aluminum, canvas, plaster grounds, gesso grounds and stretching  and preparing canvas . Alongside the practical projects, an introductory slide talk, ‘Painting as a Visual Language within contemporary practice

Current Role 

2011- 2024   – Specialist Paint Surface Technician ( Part Time )Central Saint Martins School Of Art & Design

I am the specialist paint surface technician at Central Saint Martins School of Art & Design. I ensure appropriate levels of practical and specialist technical learning activities are maintained within all technical aspects of Fine Art painting, mixed media painting processes, surfaces and spray finishes

  •  Specialist workshops in painting, methods and materials
  • Preparation of supports and grounds
  • Running  open- access Paint Surface Workshop & spray Booth to all BA / MA students
  • One to one technical advice & demonstrations on methods & materials 
  • Mixed media materials acrylic co- polymer paints & mediums
  • Archival glues, mounting art works
  • Paint finishes and spray finishes on multiple substrates
  • Low Voc – Epoxy polymer ‘ Art surface resins ‘
  • Group demonstration to 2D Pathway students, on stretching canvas , supports and grounds,  preparation of modern and traditional priming methods
  • Oil paints and mediums
  • Wax mediums, wax encaustic materials
  • Power point presentation within the painting lecture Supports & Grounds, presenting technical examples to BA / MA students.
  • Gravity Gun Spray processes and finishes with compliant water based based
  • Completed course  –  Morrells Spray finishes, Stockport UK
  • Demonstrations on stretching of canvas and linen
  • 2011 – 2019 –  Painting inductions to MA / BA fine art students within the Painting Workshop
  • One to one & group Demonstrations on preparation & construction of painting supports,
  • One to one and group Demonstrations on Preparation of grounds methods and materials of modern and tradition priming methods and techniques 

2021 Curator

Shape Chroma Tension Fine Art Gallery,  3 person Show exploring abstraction colour and constructed space  / course tutors UAL,  Laurence Noga  & Katrina Blannin   

2004 Curator and Organizer of the group exhibitions

 The Horizon of Expectation. Empire gallery,Vyner street, London.

My Role involved: Writing the press release, researching & Selecting the exhibiting artist, curating and hanging the exhibition. Generating sponsors, distributing mailing list, designing private view card. . Organizing the private view, giving tours and talks about the show to visitors, student’s collectors.

2007 Artificial Glory Curator – Caroline List & Isabel Young  co curators, group exhibitions, Standpoint Gallery, Hoxton, London.

Our role involved: Writing the press release, researching & Selecting the artist, curating and hanging the exhibition. Generating sponsors, distributing mailing the list, designing private view card. Organising the private view Giving tours and talks about the show to visitors, students collectors and The Contemporary Arts society